
Please let me know what you thought of our site and dogs

  Name : Melanie Newman
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : From a advert, that Danielle poodle has.
Comments : Great and informative website. I enjoy seeing the photos of your family and seeing where Sintee poodles began. Beautiful poodles, congratulations 💕
Date : 18-Dec-19

  Name : Ashlee
Web Site : http://n/a
Country : Aussie
How you found us : Relationship
Comments : Wonderful website, love the photos. Maybe you should post some more recent photos of your family now that would be wonderful.
Date : 21-Sep-19

  Name : Marea Williams
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Talking to you today
Comments : You have a great web site all the old pics are great so nice going back and looking at the old ones should be more i just love it and the clips they have sure changed now, you have some loverly toys. Looking forward to the national next year to see you and your toys and perhaps a loverly brown baby.
Date : 20-Oct-12

  Name : Deborah
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Via dogzonline
Comments : Your poodles are stunning, a joy to look at your website and your story.
Date : 1-Jul-12

  Name : Stephanie
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Surfing
Comments : Faboulous Site. Love hearing your family story. Will return again...
Date : 29-Jun-12

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Contact Details

Miranda Duncan
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Phone : 0419001190
Email : [email protected]